Palakneeti Magzine

The Starting Years…
Palak means parent, guardian and teachers. Neeti means ethical strategy.
This strategy is very important in a child-parent relationship because parents play a key role in the development of children. We all wish to give a happy environment to all children. We wish to make them sensitive, confident, responsible persons. Yes this is extremely difficult ! We need a friend, philosopher & guide, Palakneeti is an organization working for this goal.
World is a dynamic place. Changes in social and political strata always puts parenting to the highest level of challenge. Sometimes, as a parent we feel helpless, limited and indecisive. It is necessary to come together and discuss such issues. Back in 1987 a group of like-minded friends felt the need to shed away the awkwardness and speak out on these issues. They felt the need to stay connected and seek answers to the dilemmas faced. The Result was Palakneeti magazine, a communication medium in the form of monthly issue. The magazine has been running without fail since 1987. The issues are filled back to back with articles on parenting and creative education.
Growing years…
First few lonely efforts soon became a team as more like-minded people joined the group. The work expanded. Palakneeti Pariwar trust was formed in 1996 to endorse our commitment. People from various fields joined as trustees and Palakneeti could publish a 16-20 page monthly issue alongwith a special yearly Diwali edition. Today, palakneeti is successful in creating a small but significant space in the minds of people.